Playing It Safe

Many businesses and institutions take work safety very seriously. They are committed to safety programs for a number of reasons. The first and most important perhaps is that there is legislation governing workplace safety, and some serious penalties for not adhering to the required legislation enuring that exposure to hazardous work environments is managed and controlled in such a way as to minimise the risks of accident, injury and disaster, as much as possible.

A Permit To Work Management System is often used to control who has access to a certain environment and/or part of a facility. It also ensures that only properly trained and experienced people perform certain task like piling Sydney with a potentially hazardous nature.

Many companies, large and small, often appoint one or more safety officers, and sometimes have a whole department dedicated to work place safety. In house training courses are also used to ensure all employees know about what hazards there are in the work place, what they can do to protect themselves and how to go about reporting and having hazards rectified. 

In some cases there will be specialised people with specialised training in one area or specific hazard. Take chemicals for example. A company where chemicals are a part of the business, be it as a product for sale or as a requirement of a manufacturing process, will have all staff trained as to the procedures if there is a chemical spill, but have people with specialised taring how to deal with a chemical spill, retain or confine it and then clean it up.

Chemical spills and wast product management are not only covered by safety legislation but also by environmental laws. In some cases, such as the mining industry, the environmental laws can be applied to the extent that when a project is exhausted, the land has to be restored to its original state and the project itself has to operate in such a way that it has as little impact on the environment during the lifetime of the project.

Most businesses and service providers carry out regular safety audits. The idea behind this is two fold. Firstly it ensure that complacency does not creap into the work place. The idea being that employs can get to the point where because nothing ever goes wrong, they make the assumption it never will and become less mindful and prepared. The second issue is that hazards are not static. New equipment, processes, staff and systems can prevent new hazard. The idea behind an audit in this regard is to identify a potential hazard and be prepared for the eventuality where something may go wrong. As they say, prevention is the best medicine.

Having the required permits and/or training is another area that is constantly looked at. Often a hazard can be present, but other people, without specific training, need to perform work in in a hazardous and even sometime, an unfamiliar workplace. The only efficient and effective services to deal with this is to have safety supervisors on hand to ensure that the work practices are carried out in accordance with hazard and safety policies.